Leadership Circle Profile™ & Coaching

"When we experience the 'world as too complex', we are not just experiencing the complexity of the world. We are experiencing a mismatch between the world's complexity and our own at this moment. There are only two logical ways to mend the mismatch - reduce the world's complexity or increase your own." Kegan & Lahey

Overview of Program

Role coaching enables leaders to transform the lived experience of their role into impactful and authentic actions. The leader gets to explore the pushes and pulls on their role in a way that promotes insight and the ability to influence outcomes in the work environment.

Underpinned by theories such as "Authentic", "Transformational" and "Adaptive" leadership, our approach to coaching is anchored in the Grubb Institute’s Transformative Experience Framework which allows leaders to examine their work experiences within the context of the complexities of organisational life.

Role coaching not only focuses on the person (which is personal development) but also the place where the Person , the System and the Context intersect. Insights into how these dimensions influence how leaders show up in the world supports the reshaping of ideas and discerning purposeful actions to reset, make progress and meet the organisation's expectations and role outcomes.

Our coaching programs create a safe reflective space for leaders to process work related events, test assumptions and share ideas in order to learn and practice new ways of thinking and working through complex problems. Programs typically include:

  • Setting up for success: 3 way meeting with the coachee and their direct manager to explore the development need and aspirations.
  • Development planning: Administration of a 360o Leadership Assessment profile, debrief and articulation of the improvement goals.
  • Role transformation: 6 x 75 minute confidential coaching sessions.
  • Evaluation: 3 way meeting with the coachee and their direct manager to reflect on progress against the expected outcomes.

360o Leadership Circle Profile

360o leadership assessment tools lift self awareness, deepen insights and strengthen the leadership development process with purposeful coaching conversations.

Insight to Influence's coaches are accredited in a wide range of instruments including the Leadership Circle Profile™ (LCP) and the Leadership Circle Profile Manager Edition™ which combines measures of management style and personality, leadership competencies and underlying behavioural tendencies.

The LCP is a global and widely researched tool that draws from psychology, leadership and adult development theory. It offers a comprehensive model of leadership and a development framework that is grounded by the dimensions of leadership effectiveness that create business performance.

The LCP measures two primary leadership domains Creative Competencies and Reactive Tendencies and integrates this information so that key opportunities for improvement immediately rise to the surface.

The tool allows the leader to see and explore how his/her inner world of thought translates into productive or derailing styles of leadership. Ultimately, the LCP increases the inner awareness that affects outward behaviour and sets the foundations for learning, development and leadership transformation.

Co-Created Benefits

Our coaches draw on a variety of creative tools, techniques and resources that bring particular areas into focus, develop insights and influence actions.

Integration of the whole: Find meaning, shape and take up your leadership role by exploring the dynamics of 'person', 'context' and 'system' relationships that influence how you show up at work and in life.

Unlock the unconscious: Self and systems awareness unleashes all of your resources by unblocking unhelpful habits of thought, defensive routines, competing commitments and your immunity to change.

Survive in transience and instability: Manage polarities and find order in the chaos with purposeful, regenerative, authentic and adaptive leadership practices.

Change and emotional intelligence: Leverage your gifts, manage energy, resilience and lead through uncertainty with compassion, integrity and reciprocity.

Confront diversity: Hold tensions and integrate the system of self to build trust and enable collaboration and perspective taking for breakthrough performance and complex problem solving.

Organisational Outcomes

The Leadership Circle Profile & Coaching program offers the following organisational outcomes:

  • Working with purpose, integrity and passion
  • Complex problem solving
  • Change & Emotional Intelligence
  • Staff engagement
  • Enabling diversity and innovation
  • Increased visibility of new possibilities
  • Uplift in role and organisational performance

What to Expect

  • Consultation and advice on contemporary leadership development programs inclusive of individual coaching and collective peer group learning methods.
  • Consultation about the development need, purpose and selection of a 360o Leadership Assessment tool and the number of coaching sessions required.
  • Support and guidelines on how to select 360o feedback rater groups.
  • Online administration facility and email reminders for non completed 360o leadership assessment profiles.
  • 360o Leadership Circle Profile™ Report.
  • Program management for large scale 360o administrations and integrated leadership development programs.
  • Disciplined evaluation methods that measure individual value and business benefits.

Leadership Circle Profile™ & Coaching Brochure

Leadership Circle Profile

"When we experience the 'world as too complex', we are not just experiencing the complexity of the world. We are experiencing a mismatch between the world's complexity and our own at this moment. There are only two logical ways to mend the mismatch - reduce the world's complexity or increase your own." Kegan & Lahey

Role coaching enables leaders to transform the lived experience of their role into impactful and authentic actions. The leader gets to explore the pushes and pulls on their role in a way that promotes insight and the ability to influence outcomes in the work environment.

Download Brochure